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消失中的香港 系列 Disappearing Hong Kong Culture


美都餐室 X 冠南華 Mido Cafe X Koon Nam Wah Bridal Neon

Illustration by Kate WaterWood



美都餐室(Mido Cafe),是一間雙層型的舊式街角茶餐廳,位於香港九龍的油麻地廟街63號的唐樓內。餐廳到2022年3月因新型肺炎疫情停業,到5月中一度恢復經營,但最後到同年7月再次停業,同年10月尾再恢復經營。於1950年1月開業,直至今日仍保留1950年代的裝潢,見證著香港歷史,除地下外更有當年十分普遍的二樓雅座,可以瀏覽廟街及榕樹頭的街景。1960年代,為應付附近油麻地避風塘的水上人,需要聘請25個伙計。現在美都餐室已經交予創辦人的大女黃醒芬接手經營。餐室以焗排骨飯、蓮子鴛鴦冰聞名,餐單與平時茶餐廳的不同。不少遊客都會專程到餐室感受香港傳統風味。


Mido Cafe is a two-story, old-fashioned corner tea restaurant located in a tenement building at 63 Temple Street in Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon, Hong Kong. The restaurant closed in March 2022 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, resumed operations in mid-May, but then closed again in July of the same year. It resumed operations again at the end of October. Opened in January 1950, Mido Cafe still retains its 1950s decor, bearing witness to Hong Kong's history. In addition to the ground floor, there is also a second-floor seating area that was very common in those days, where customers can enjoy views of Temple Street and the banyan tree. In the 1960s, 25 assistants were hired to cater to the floating population in the nearby Yau Ma Tei typhoon shelter. The cafe is now managed by the founder's eldest daughter, Huang Xingfen. Mido Cafe is known for its baked pork chop rice and lotus seed iced milk tea, which sets it apart from typical tea restaurants. Many tourists make a special trip to the cafe to experience Hong Kong's traditional flavor.


About Koon Nam Wah「冠南華」霓虹燈招牌




原文網址: 「冠南華」霓虹燈招牌已拆卸 「最幸福招牌」空餘棚架伴老店 | 香港01


The neon sign of the long-established Chinese qipao tailor "Koon Nam Wah" in Yau Ma Tei, known as the "happiest neon sign" in Hong Kong, has stood for almost half a century, but unfortunately it could not escape the fate of demolition. The neon sign was dismantled yesterday morning 20th Aug 2022. The staff of "Koon Nam Wah" said that the sign was dismantled from early morning till dawn yesterday, and when they returned to the store to open, the sign was nowhere to be found.



美都餐室 X 冠南華 Mido Cafe X Koon Nam Wah Bridal Neon

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