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消失中的香港 系列 Disappearing Hong Kong Culture


吊鐘霓虹 Enkianthus quinqueflorus X Neon Tsui Wah

Illustration by Kate WaterWood



白加士街的翠華招牌算是碩果僅存的大型霓虹招牌,上有「翠華餐廳」四個大字,中文字置中,英文列於左側,上方有「TW」標誌,即翠華英譯縮寫,牌冠部分列有「魚蛋稱霸 咖喱稱皇」八字,頂端有裝飾和一粒閃爍的十字星,右下角有招牌奶茶的茶杯,茶杯下有日文名「すいかレストラン」,可見翠華全盛時期如斯「國際化」。招牌的設計毫不簡單,用色豐富,霓虹管的複雜程度,可說一時無兩。


來源:【香港故事】一個招牌的落地 - 高登新聞


The neon sign of Tsui Wah on Pak Hoi Street is one of the few remaining large-scale neon signs in Hong Kong. It features the Chinese characters for "Tsui Wah Restaurant" in the center, with the English translation on the left and the "TW" logo above. The top of the sign displays the words "Fishballs Rule" and "Curry King," with decorative elements and a sparkling cross above. The bottom right corner of the sign features a tea cup with the Japanese name "Suika Restaurant," demonstrating Tsui Wah's international influence during its heyday. The sign's intricate design and use of vibrant colors make it a unique and complex work of art, with the complexity of the neon tubing being particularly noteworthy.


吊鐘霓虹 Enkianthus quinqueflorus X Neon Tsui Wah

  • A6 Postcard 明信片

    250g 紙



    A6 Postcard

    250g paper

    Printed in Hong Kong

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